There is more to this world than you realize... Updates every Monday. Now fully in color! (a dragon webcomic, but don't tell anyone!)

Chapter: Discoveries, Even Jake.

9.9.2024, 1:00

Even Jake.

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JAGIELSKI 9.9.2024, 1:00
Interesting that Irioth still has a good opinion of Jake, despite all the shit Jake put him through, don't you agree?

JAGIELSKI 13.9.2024, 12:20
Heads up that there will be no comic on Monday as I will be moving to Linux over the weekend. The external drive to make backups of my most important stuff finally arrived and I can finally delete windows. Not sure if the drive is any good as it was discounted, so I may not be able to properly backup my stuff, but either way the entire weekend and a large portion of the next week is going to be spent on setting up Linux (if drive backups properly) or looking for an alternative backup solution (cloud?).

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